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The Kim Baker Ballet Academy is proud to be one of the few schools in Western Australia to offer Nationally Recognised accredited certificate courses in partnership with our RTO Empowerdance (RTO 40397).

The Certificate Course is designed for the passionate dancer who would like to further their pathways in dance and dance teaching, and entry is available for any student who has attended 2 years or more of ballet training (level 3 and above), for most courses (not including Certificate IV courses).


Certificate courses on offer through Empowerdance and KBBA this year are:

CUA10120 Certificate I in Dance

CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance

CUA30120 Certificate III in Dance (including assistant dance teaching).   

*CUA40120 Certificate IV in Dance

*CUA40320 Certificate IV in Dance Teaching and Management

*(The Certificate IV courses are only held within our full-time program and CUA40320 Certificate IV in Dance Teaching and Management is delivered by Empowerdance through their Elevate online program).


All of these certificate courses are perfect for students who are....


       Passionate about studying something they LOVE

       Interested in learning how to TEACH dance

       Motivated to reach their full POTENTIAL in all areas of life and dance

Looking for a VET program that you love and use the valuable points towards WACE and entry to higher qualifications            

       Looking for professional mentoring and GUIDANCE


Students are required to attend an assessment class prior to commencing, for Kim to confirm which certificate course would be best for your child to attend.

Class Requirements


The certificate courses will cover Classical Ballet, Contemporary, Choreography, Pointe, Stretch and Fitness, Conditioning for dance, Production, Creative, Character, Improvisation and Contemporary and Classical performance classes. Students attending the Certificate III course will also be required to attend assistant teaching, which Kim will organize throughout the year. Also included is safe dance practices, history of dance, contextual knowledge, industry practice and protocols, self-evaluation, skills for audition processes and participation in specialist industry workshops.


All certificate course students will work towards the Kim Baker Ballet Academy class and stage examinations (compulsory attendance is required in the second week of the July school holidays for the examination course), and perform as a member of the KBBA Dance Company at the Choreographic Event held in June, where the students will also perform their own group choreography. Attendance is also required for our end of year performance at Rixon Theatre.

Marcus Allesandrini Transitions Dance Co



An assessment to see which certificate level of study is most suitable is required prior to entering the Certificate Course for CUA10120 Certificate I in Dance, CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance and CUA30120 Certificate III in Dance. CUA40120 Certificate IV in Dance is held in conjunction with the full time Professional Specialist training course and an audition is required for entry to this course. At all levels of our certificate course training, our ballet Syllabus is based on the famous Russian Vaganova method and Contemporary classes are run by professional dancers, choreographers and teachers in the industry who all hold a Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary Dance. This training is used in professional ballet schools throughout the world.

Possible Pathways


Students completing the Certificate Courses have many educational pathways available to them post-completion, including: 


CUA40320 Certificate IV in Dance Teaching and Management
CUA40120 Certificate IV in Dance
CUA51520 Diploma in Professional Dance (Elite Performance)  
CUA60120 Advanced Diploma of Dance (Elite Performance)

Bachelor of Arts (Dance)

These Nationally Recognised Qualifications and the pathways offered in partnership with Empowerdance Pty Ltd RTO 40397 at the Kim Baker Ballet Academy provide excellence in dance training for the next generation of successful contemporary and ballet dancers, and for those with visions of inspiring and teaching generations to come.

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